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Our Mission .  .  . A Healing Village

Our Mission at the Red River Institute is to promote a resourceful culture that connects the policy-makers, practitioners, and consumers of mental health services in resourceful dialogue and informed action . . . a "village" that provides a path to healing for our communities, our families, and each other.


There was a time when our village provided us with everything we needed.   Trusted individuals in our community–extended family members, ministers, family physicians–were there to provide healing words, emotional support, and guidance during times of distress.   While the technology of health and healing has greatly improved,  the time-honored “medicine” of restorative community is often overlooked as the most important tool in the healing of hearts, minds, and spirits.  





What We Do . . .

How We Do It . . .


By providing quality mental health services to individuals, couples, and families .  .  .

Our therapists utilize resource-based, collaborative modes of therapy that emphasize the healing of the whole person and the restoration of a person’s supportive network of relationships as an important part of the healing process.

Meet our therapy team!



By creating resourceful dialogue between mental health professionals .  .  .

Our symposia and conferences are designed to get mental health professionals of various disciplines – counselors, family therapists, social workers, and psychologists – talking to and collaborating with one another.  Our website is designed to inform and invite dialogue about current issues, political and professional, that affect mental health practitioners of all backgrounds.

View upcoming CE events!



By providing training and supervision to mental health professionals .  .  .

The Institute offers innovative training opportunities and supervision for all mental health professionals in collaborative, resource-based, systemic modes of therapy based in health and healing.

Learn about The Center for Professional Development!



By providing advocacy for the mental health practitioner and consumer .  .  .

The Institute provides information to nonprofessional policy and law-makers to assist them in writing legislation and establishing protocols that equip mental health practitioners to provide humane, effective mental health services of optimal quality to the community.  Review our political agenda!

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